
Free Resources and Articles From the Team at Niagara Institute

Work Culture

Online Synchronous Training vs In-Person Training for Managers

3 min read

Online Synchronous Training vs In-Person Training for Managers

When it comes to leadership development for mid-level managers, choosing the right delivery method for training can make all the difference. In...

How To Create a Culture Survey For Free

3 min read

How To Create a Culture Survey For Free (+Questions to Ask)

Are you wearing rose-colored glasses when it comes to your workplace culture? If you’re in a management position, that just might be the case. The...

Relationships at Work With Colleagues

4 min read

Building Relationships at Work With Colleagues Checklist

Colleagues can easily be some of the people you spend the most time with. After all, how many other people do you interact with as regularly as you...

Employee Retention in 2024: What the Latest Research Says

6 min read

Employee Retention in 2024: What the Latest Research Says

Employee retention has always been an important topic. However, lately, with the fallout from the pandemic, the great resignation, and the great...

company culture examples

4 min read

What Makes a Culture Great? 5 Company Culture Examples to Learn From

In today’s world, investing in your company’s culture doesn’t just have the potential to result in better financial results, lower turnover, and a...

Employee Engagement: A Quick Guide for Leaders

4 min read

Employee Engagement: A Quick Guide for Leaders

Did you know that 70% of the variance in the level of engagement from one employee to the next can be attributed to who their direct leader is? While...

How To Keep Your Work Culture Strong

4 min read

How To Keep Your Work Culture Strong, According to 14,000 People

It is a common misconception that work culture is bound to the walls of an office - that it’s created by providing fancy coffee or hosting weekly...

Employee Connection in 2023: What The Research Says

3 min read

Employee Connection in 2024: What The Research Says

If you’ve been in the workforce long enough, you’ve likely made a few friends from work. Most people would agree that having friendships at work...

The 4 Types of Working Relationships

3 min read

The 4 Types of Working Relationships

From the supervisor who has become your mentor to your teammate whose camaraderie lightens the burdens of the daily grind or the grumpy colleague...

Importance of Good Professional Relationships at Work

4 min read

The Importance of Good Professional Relationships at Work

13 years and two months. That’s the amount of time the average person spends at work in their lifetime, according to HuffPost. Add a year and two...

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