
Free Resources and Articles From the Team at Niagara Institute

New Leaders (5)

Causes of High Turnover and What People Leaders Should Do About It

5 min read

Are You Experiencing High Turnover? Here’s Why and What To Do About It

Did you know that 52% of voluntary resignations are avoidable? As the Gallup study that found this states, “People leave because of fixable issues.”...

What is insubordination and how to handle it?

4 min read

What Is Insubordination and How to Handle It?

When an employee doesn’t follow instructions, skirts around their assigned duties, or has a terrible attitude, it can be difficult for any team...

How Do I Impress My Employees

4 min read

How Do I Impress My Employees? 10 Leadership Behaviors People Admire

In leadership, every word you say, the action you take, and the decision you make has the potential to impress your employees. Granted, there are...

Positive Leadership Affirmations for the Workplace

2 min read

10 Positive Leadership Affirmations for the Workplace

Life as a leader can feel unsettling and challenging at times. It may even lead you to think things like, “Who do you think you are? You don’t belong...

Bad Manager and leadership blind spots

3 min read

Why A Bad Manager Thinks They’re Great

Throughout your career, you’ve likely worked for or come across a manager who was underperforming but thought they were outstanding. Conversely, you...

First-Time Leaders Guide Blog Image

[GUIDE] Making The Transition to Leadership

Making the transition from peer to leader is exciting and challenging all at the same time. For that reason, we wrote this guide!

Leader explaining to an employee, what are stretch assignment at work?

4 min read

Stretch Assignments: What Are They and Is Your Employee Ready For One?

Stretch assignments are a cornerstone of a strong employee development plan. A statement that is backed by a number of research studies. In one...

First Meeting with Employees as a New Manager

4 min read

5 Ways to Ace Your First Meeting with Employees as a New Manager

When you find yourself stepping in to manage a new team it can be filled with excitement, possibility, uncertainty, and maybe a bit of terror. It may...

Team Leadership

4 min read

Team Leadership: 6 Truths for New Managers

When you think about career success, whether it is a person you look up to or achievement in an organization, it usually is someone in a leadership...

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