
Free Resources and Articles From the Team at Niagara Institute

Interpersonal Skills (2)

Feedback Training for Managers and Employees

4 min read

What Is Feedback Training? Who It’s For and Why It’s Important

Giving and receiving feedback does not always come easily or naturally. In fact, you might be surprised just how many people need feedback training...

The Art of Building Relationships at Work

The Art of Building Relationships at Work

13 years and two months. That’s the amount of time the average person spends at work in their lifetime. Given how significant a portion of our lives...

Positive vs. Negative Feedback in the Workplace

7 min read

Positive vs Negative Feedback at Work: Difference + Examples

When you’re at work, do you want to know where you stand with your boss, peers, or clients? Do you want to see whether you’re doing a good job, and...

Words to Describe Work Relationships

2 min read

175+ Words to Describe Work Relationships

Think of the last time you talked about your work relationships with someone. What words did you use to describe those relationships? Did you use...

The 4 Types of Working Relationships

3 min read

The 4 Types of Working Relationships

From the supervisor who has become your mentor to your teammate whose camaraderie lightens the burdens of the daily grind or the grumpy colleague...

Importance of Good Professional Relationships at Work

4 min read

The Importance of Good Professional Relationships at Work

13 years and two months. That’s the amount of time the average person spends at work in their lifetime, according to HuffPost. Add a year and two...

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Stats

3 min read

The Statistics on Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

You see it all the time: someone is deeply knowledgeable, a strong problem solver, equipped with top-notch technical skills, and can think logically...

What is feedback sandwich and why it is bad

3 min read

Why Is The Feedback Sandwich Bad? And How To Give Better Feedback

Many leaders shy away from delivering negative feedback or, when they do, try to soften the blow. It's human nature to do so, as, like anyone,...

Verbal Communication at Work

3 min read

5 Verbal Communication Mistakes You Need to Correct ASAP

Collaborating with coworkers, resolving conflicts, leading meetings, working with customers, passing on information, or building healthy working...

How to say if you are an effective communicator?

3 min read

6 Signs You Are NOT An Effective Communicator

In today’s workplace, there are countless forms of communication to stay on top of. Between instant messages, Zoom calls, emails, presentations,...

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