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5 Strategies for Building Trust with Employees

5 Strategies for Building Trust with Employees

I remember the excitement of landing my first job out of university. What I learned throughout the interview process for the role, my onboarding, and meeting my new boss to understand the organization left me hopeful for what was ahead. Unfortunately, the excitement that I once had dwindled as I realized the daily grind did not match up to the sunshine and rainbow world that was painted by leaders.

If only they were honest and upfront about the role. Then I could have decided for myself if it was the right job for me.  Over time, the trust in the workplace that I once had going into the job eroded, and not too long after, I was looking for my next opportunity.

This experience, unfortunately, feels all too common. We trust those we look up to, and their actions slowly eat away at that trust over time. As a leader, you can intentionally build trust with your employees and give them a different experience. 

Here are five strategies for building trust in the workplace, along with a few examples to help illustrate how to put them into practice. Building trust with coworkers is essential for a harmonious and productive team environment.


How To Build Trust with Employees

  1. Empower your employees
  2. Model the behaviors you want to see
  3. Listen more than you speak
  4. Have difficult conversations when needed
  5. Support and celebrate their success
5 Ways to Build Trust With Employees

1. Empower Your Employees

Does anything say “I don’t trust you” as obviously as a micromanaging boss? How do you expect your employees to trust you if you do not trust them to do the job you hired them for? Empowering your employees is not only an excellent way to build trust, but it has also been linked to higher engagement. Both of which lead to greater productivity, motivation, and employee retention. 

Building trust with employees by empowering them is not only an excellent way to build trust in the workplace, but it has also been linked to higher engagement. Both of these aspects lead to greater productivity, motivation, and employee retention. Building trust with coworkers also fosters collaboration and helps create a positive work environment.


Trust in the workplace examples: Empowerment

The next time you give an employee a task, set boundaries and clear expectations for them to operate in. This approach is key to building trust with employees as it shows you have confidence in their abilities. Put the onus on the employee to reach out to you if they need help or clarity. Then, arrange a status update meeting a week later and let them take on the task as they see fit. It might not be the way you would do it, and that’s okay. Building trust with coworkers through empowerment also encourages mutual respect and open communication within the team.


2. Model the behaviors you want to see

Leaders set the tone and influence acceptable behaviors on the team. If you’re undermining the leadership at your organization by talking badly about them or the direction they’re taking the organization in, chances are, your team will pick up on this and behave similarly towards organizational leaders—and maybe even you. Building trust with employees starts with demonstrating the right behaviors yourself. If you want your team to trust you, then you need to lead by example

By modeling the right behaviors, you are contributing to building trust in the workplace, which is essential for a healthy and productive work environment.


Trust in the workplace examples: Modelling behaviors

The next time you and your team leave a meeting with senior leaders, and the direction may not be crystal clear, be the one to step up and acknowledge the gaps in understanding and what your plans are to seek out clarity. With clarity comes trust. If your employees see you actively seeking out information you need and not jumping to your conclusions, there is a much better chance they will do the same in the future. This approach is a powerful way to build trust with your coworkers and ensure everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.


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3. Listen More Than You Speak

When leaders take the time to listen to employees' feedback, ideas, and feelings and incorporate those discussions into their decisions, employees feel heard, and so does their trust.  Building trust with employees involves making them feel valued and respected, and one of the most effective ways to do this is through active listening. Additionally, employees who feel their voice is heard say they are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work, which is crucial for building trust in the workplace.


Trust in the workplace examples: Listening

Why is listening important? It’s important because, as leaders, we don’t have all the answers. So, the next time you meet one-on-one with your employees, encourage them to share their thoughts and feedback and intentionally listen to what they have to say.

This practice not only strengthens trust in the workplace, but also creates an environment where everyone feels safe to express their ideas. Resist the temptation to jump in and speak. Let them have the floor. You may be surprised at what you learn and the new opportunities that you may have missed. By listening more, you are also building trust with coworkers, which can lead to better collaboration and team dynamics.


4. Have Difficult Conversations When Needed

Having the courage to address issues when they arise and not avoid difficult conversations is a critical component of building trust in the workplace. Believe it or not, in most cases, people would rather know where they went wrong, so they can fix the problem than wait until it is out of control and the consequences are much worse than they should have been. If your employees know where they stand with you, it builds trust with employees, as they understand that you will have open and honest conversations with them when needed.


Trust in the workplace examples: Difficult conversations

The next time you need to give constructive feedback, address it at the moment by speaking with your employee away from their peers and be direct but show tact. Then work with the employee to develop a strategy to mitigate the need to have the same conversation in the future. You'll build trust with your coworkers and employees by being honest and showing that you are genuinely invested in helping them grow and succeed.


5. Support and Celebrate their Success

Employees feel supported through your actions, such as using your formal authority to remove roadblocks, coaching them on how to approach a situation, and encouraging them when they’re feeling overwhelmed. 

These actions show that you’re invested in their success, which helps in building trust with employees. And when they do succeed, you publicly acknowledge their achievements instead of taking credit for their work. Celebrating their success is a key element in building trust in the workplace as it fosters a positive and supportive environment.


Trust in the workplace examples: Support success

The easiest way to demonstrate that you want them to succeed is to ask them where they could use your support. Offering your support and actively helping them achieve their goals strengthens trust in the workplace and enhances team morale. Or if you see an employee struggling to keep up, roll up your sleeves and take on a task they give you. Building trust with coworkers by supporting them during challenging times shows that you’re a reliable and dedicated leader.


Conclusion: It’s easier to build trust than try to restore it once it is broken

Being proactive and intentional about building trust with employees is a much easier route to take than trying to restore trust once it is broken. When you invest time and effort in building trust in the workplace from the start, you create a solid foundation that can withstand occasional mistakes.  And if you have been working to build trust and mess up (because we all do, we’re human), you will likely have a more forgiving employee standing beside you to help and come back stronger.

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