7 min read
Is Your Team Unhappy? Build a Better Work Environment!
A happy and engaged team is the backbone of any successful organization.
5 min read
Michelle Bennett
May 20, 2021 5:30:00 AM
There is little to no harm in having a favorite book, favorite flavor of ice cream, or a favorite place to work.
In the workplace though, favoritism is one of the signs of toxic boss; it's dangerous, and in some cases, illegal.
Whether it is that one employee who is always getting the plum assignments or the colleague who seems to have a hotline to the boss’s office, favoritism can be a real morale killer.
Favoritism in the workplace can lead to a range of negative outcomes, from creating intimidating and toxic work environments to driving high turnover rates among employees. Those who feel overlooked may lose confidence, leading to demotivation, further perpetuating a cycle of discontent and disengagement.
As an Enquiron article noted, “All people possess implicit biases, which wire our brain to categorize people and things subconsciously even when we actively try to reject prejudices. These can cause us to naturally favor those with similar interests and backgrounds.”
So, while it’s human nature to have favorites, as leaders it’s of the utmost importance you actively reject any actions or behaviors that are or can be seen as favoritism.
Unfortunately, the reality is not all leaders have noticed this warning. In a study conducted by researchers from Penn Schoen Berland and Georgetown University of senior executives at companies with at least 1,000 employees, it was found that favoritism is alive and well, in big and small ways. Here are some of their findings, specifically related to promotions:
The following is an extensive list of examples of favoritism in the workplace, as found in a research study from Central Michigan University. Some of the signs listed are outright examples of favoritism, while others may be more subtle displays of favoritism that, over time, create a problem among leaders and employees.
Here are some examples of favoritism in the workplace, drawn from real-life experiences:
Before you do anything, take the necessary time to assess the situation as rationally as you can. Think back to the exact situation where you believe you experienced favoritism. Consider all the possible reasons another employee received the treatment they did. Did they have a technical qualification, interpersonal skill, or relationship, that would have influenced your leader’s actions or decisions? Once you have assessed the situation, you will be more sure of what you want to be your next step to be.
In these types of situations, it can be extremely beneficial to consult a mentor who is removed from the situation. You should present them with your rational assessment of the situation and share your desired course of action. They may wholeheartedly agree with your assessment, somewhat agree, or flat out disagree. Whatever their response may be, try to remain open to any constructive feedback they have to offer. The insights an impartial individual can provide may be exactly what you need to effectively deal with the favoritism you are experiencing.
If you have done the previous two things, then you have done your due diligence and can confidently move forward with your action plan, which may mean standing up for yourself. If you do, make sure to provide any examples or evidence of favoritism you have, speak with clarity, and above all, remain confident in your convictions.
This is no easy or small task, but it is important if you’re committed to rooting out any actions or behaviors that are leading you to play favorites, even unconsciously. Fortunately, online tools and tests are a great way to get started. For example, the Implicit Association Test (IAT) was created by researchers at Harvard University to help individuals identify thoughts and feelings outside of their conscious awareness/control that influence one’s preferences for certain social groups over others.
While you may not be currently showing any signs of favoritism at work, that doesn’t mean you cannot take precautions. If you want to reduce the chances of favoritism occurring, draft up processes you believe will help. Then ask your team members for their input or constructive feedback on the proposed processes. This will not only make the processes stronger, but it will also make employees feel invested in your efforts, which comes in handy during the next step. Finally, get their buy-in and support for seeing those processes through. Together, it is possible to root out behaviors and actions that cause others to feel like someone is “playing favorites.”
On the other hand, if you want to tackle your unconscious biases or gain an awareness of how your actions are interpreted by others, then the support of a leadership coach may be greatly beneficial. Using their training, qualifications, and real-world experience, a coach will work alongside you for a given period of time to challenge your ways of thinking, provide feedback on specific scenarios, and act as a sounding board when you encounter a challenge, all of which is very helpful in this type of situation.
Favoritism at work can jeopardize the trust employees have in their leaders or their teammates, breed resentment, create conflicts, and undermine collaboration. In fact, a study by the O.C. Tanner Institute found that favoritism can lead to disengagement and increase the odds of employee burnout by 23%. This highlights what was stated earlier - favoritism is dangerous and toxic. Fortunately, if leaders and employees know the signs of favoritism, then you can hold each other mutually accountable for stopping favoritism in its tracks.
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