
Free Resources and Articles From the Team at Niagara Institute

What is financial acumen? Why it's important?

3 min read

Why Financial Acumen Is More Important Than You Think

You’re sitting at your first meeting as a new member of your organization’s management team. You are thrilled to be in this new role and faced with...

autonomy at the workplace

2 min read

5 Signs an Employee Can Handle More Autonomy at Work

There’s an old saying that says if you love something, you should set it free. For leaders in the workplace, the equivalent of this saying is giving...

Sound Judgment and Decision Making Definition and How To Do It

5 min read

Sound Judgment and Decision Making: A Universal and Learnable Skill

Sound judgment and decision-making are skills reserved for leaders - false. Sound judgment and decision-making are purely logical activities - false....

Transferable Skills Examples

3 min read

What Are Transferable Skills and Why Are They Important?

Over the course of your life, you have picked up habits, abilities, and skills that allow you to succeed in the workplace, regardless of what title...

Seniority vs Performance at the workplace

4 min read

Seniority vs. Performance: What’s More Important to Get Promoted?

You’ve put in the work, walked the extra mile, and have the results to show for it. You feel you’re ready to take the next step into a position of...

How to take control of your career trajectory

3 min read

Take Control of Your Career Trajectory: A Brief How-To Guide

It can happen at any point in your professional life, no matter your role or industry. One day you're moving along in your career, quite content with...

2 min read

Communication Style Quiz

Between the meetings you attend and the Slack messages you send, a significant portion of every day in the workplace is spent communicating with...

What is one to one coaching?

4 min read

What Is One to One Coaching, Really?

More than likely you’ve heard terms like executive coach, leadership coach, mentor, or one to one coaching, at some point in your career. But what do...

Feedback for Manager

3 min read

How to Give Constructive Feedback to Your Boss: Do’s and Don’ts

I was once concluding a quarterly performance review with my boss when they asked, “Do you have any feedback for me?” It was the first time a boss...

Finance Glossary Blog Image

[GUIDE] Fundamentals of Finance Glossary

A cheat sheet for non-financial leaders who want to speak the language of the CFO.

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