
Free Resources and Articles From the Team at Niagara Institute

The Effects of Working Too Much Infographic

2 min read

[Infographic] The Effects of Working Too Much

In the early days at a new job or in your career, it is common to work a little extra hard to make a good impression. Unfortunately, if you try to...

How to stand up for yourself at work tips

3 min read

How To Stand Up For Yourself at Work

Standing up for yourself at work is probably not an experience you look forward to, but it is one of the most important things you can do. That’s...

Bad Team Leadership Habits

3 min read

8 Bad Team Leadership Habits That May Be Pushing Your Teammates Away

Different employees have different expectations of their leader. Some want a leader who gets to know them on a personal level or checks in with them...

What is peer group coaching and is it effective?

3 min read

What is Group Coaching and Is It Effective?

Uncovering what type of coaching your organization and employees may benefit from can feel like an ambitious mission. With so many different types of...

Why It’s Tempting to Micromanage a Remote Team and How To Avoid It

4 min read

Why It’s Tempting to Micromanage a Remote Team and How To Avoid It

Since the sudden shift to remote work for many organizations, leaders have had to overhaul their approach to leadership drastically. As such, years,...

Sharing a Team Vision

4 min read

What You Need to Know About Team Vision

Finding meaning and purpose in the work you do and how it impacts your organization is incredibly important. There is a popular legend that when John...

2 min read

Leadership Styles Quiz

What’s your leadership style? From new managers to seasoned executives, it is not uncommon for the answer to this question to be along the lines of...

Want to Improve Team Cohesion? Do These 4 Things

3 min read

Want to Improve Team Cohesion? Do These 4 Things

A cohesive team is entirely capable of achieving its goal or mission. But without a leader casting the vision, providing role clarity, recognizing...

VUCA Leadership

4 min read

What Is VUCA Leadership? 6 Ways to Set Yourself Up for Success

VUCA isn’t corporate jargon. It isn’t another “circle back,” “touch base,” or “paradigm shift.” It has real meaning and originates from the result of...

Become better at face to face communication

3 min read

4 Secrets of Exceptional Face-to-Face Communication

We’ve always known that face-to-face communication is the most effective way to inspire action. This is backed by research, like this HBR article...

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