4 min read
10 Positive Leadership Affirmations for the Workplace
Life as a leader can feel unsettling and challenging at times. It may even lead you to think things like, “Who do you think you are? You don’t belong...
3 min read
Michelle Bennett
Nov 16, 2021 5:30:00 AM
You know it's the first day of work at a new job when you feel that unique combination of anxiety, excitement, and nerves. Of course, as a new hire, you're eager to learn, meet your colleagues, understand the business, and get started doing the work you were hired to do. But, it's also completely normal to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information coming your way and uncomfortable in the face of all the things you don't know.
If you're starting a new job in the foreseeable future, the following first day of work memes should not only give you a laugh but some reassurance that you aren't the first, and won't be the last, to experience all the feelings that come with starting a new job.
From the minute you start your first day of work, you will try to listen to, absorb, and understand all the information you're being told. But there's no way you can do it all on the first day. So, be gentle with yourself if you forget things, need someone to repeat themselves, or think of clarifying questions later on that you want to ask. Those around you, especially your teammates, direct leader, and HR team, should expect this and be willing to help you as needed.
On your first day of work, you will be told everything from your team's core values to where you can find all the team's processes and documentation. While this is a great start, you may find it helpful to shadow one of your fellow team members so you can put all that information into context and see how it plays out in practice. In addition, you can look to this person for behavioral cues on how to act, such as handling a mistake or how to deliver constructive feedback.
In the midst of your onboarding, your direct manager will also attend meetings, oversee projects, put out fires, manage people, and do their own work. In other words, there's a lot on their plate. While you should be empathetic towards them, you shouldn't be afraid to speak up if you need more one-on-one meetings with your leader.
On your first day of work, you'll begin the onboarding process which includes everything from team lunches to online training, introductions with the leadership team to welcome gifts. It's a series of positive and meaningful activities meant to make your transition easier.
However, it is not unheard of for new employees to have less pleasant experiences, known as hazing. This happens when seasoned employees make new hires perform tedious or demeaning jobs in order for them to be accepted. If you think this doesn't happen anymore, think again. In a 2019 study by the American Psychological Association, 25% of respondents reported being hazed at work.
Most of us would rather hit the ground running at a new job than spend weeks (sometimes months) feeling uncomfortable, unsure, and maybe even a little lost. To counteract these feelings, try leaning into the learning experience. Absorb as much information and ask as many questions as you can. If you do, you'll become equipped and comfortable far faster.
This final new job meme perfectly depicts what it feels like to walk in on your first day of work versus months or years later. In the beginning, you're entirely reliant on others to teach you the ropes and get you up to speed. But with time and on-the-job experience, you'll grow more confident, and before you know it, you may be the one teaching and guiding the new hires.
Every new hire wants to get up to speed and start proving their value as soon as possible. One way to get there is to create a 30-60-90 day plan which outlines your intentions, focus, goals, action items, and how you'll measure your achievements in the first three months of a new job. We've even created a 30-60-90 day plan template, so you don't have to worry about creating one from scratch.
4 min read
Life as a leader can feel unsettling and challenging at times. It may even lead you to think things like, “Who do you think you are? You don’t belong...
8 min read
Have you ever:
3 min read
Every people leader tends to lean towards one particular leadership style over another. For some, their focus is on the well-being of their employees...