4 min read
Leadership Styles Quiz
What’s your leadership style? From new managers to seasoned executives, it is not uncommon for the answer to this question to be along the lines of...
No one likes conflict, especially at work. But disagreements between those you work with are sometimes inevitable. So, the question isn’t how you avoid conflict. It's when conflict arises, how do you handle it?
To find out which of these styles you are naturally inclined toward, take our Conflict Styles Quiz below!
When it comes to conflict at work, I would say my greatest strength is:
Your boss has expressed that they are upset with a mistake you’ve made. How are you most likely to respond?
True or false: In a conflict, I prioritize restoring harmony, even if that means I have to push aside or ignore my own needs or thoughts.
In a meeting, if your peers are arguing over something trivial, such as the font size of a document, what are you most likely to do?
True or false: When I find myself in a difficult conversation, I usually say very little and try to leave as soon as possible.
You receive an email from a peer with criticism about something that has little to do with you. What are you most likely to do?
I am not afraid of having honest, albeit difficult, conversations if it means we can get to the heart of the conflict and find a win-win solution.
You’re about to attend an important meeting, and a colleague pulls you aside. They’re upset and ask you to do something you’re unsure about. This catches you off guard. How are you most likely to respond?
I have been told I come off as competitive or aggressive when discussing a conflict.
You just announced a new initiative and are experiencing a lot of resistance and criticism for it. What are you most likely to do?
True or false: If a conflict comes to a deadlock, I am willing to meet the person halfway and compromise.
Finish this sentence: When dealing with a conflict at work, I am focused on…
Track your responses to each question. Whatever style comes up the most is your most dominant conflict style.
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Question 6:
Question 7:
Question 8:
Question 9:
Question 10:
Question 11:
Question 12:
4 min read
What’s your leadership style? From new managers to seasoned executives, it is not uncommon for the answer to this question to be along the lines of...
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