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Conflict Styles Quiz: What's Your Approach to Conflict?

Conflict Styles Quiz: What's Your Approach to Conflict?

No one likes conflict, especially at work. But disagreements between those you work with are sometimes inevitable. So, the question isn’t how you avoid conflict. It's when conflict arises, how do you handle it?

One thing that will influence how you handle conflict is your dominant conflict management style. In the 1970s, The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) was created, which identified five main conflict management styles used by individuals. Those styles include collaborating, competing, avoiding, accommodating, and compromising

To find out which of these styles you are naturally inclined toward, take our Conflict Styles Quiz below! Then, read the explainer guide to learn more about your conflict style, the characteristics commonly associated with it, the advantages, and the possible disadvantages. While you're at it, take some time to understand the other conflict management styles as well. This will help you understand those you work with better and navigate conflict as it arises more effectively. 


Additional Reading

Do you want to continue learning about effective conflict resolution? If so, we recommend taking a read through the following resources that are related to the topic:

Conflict Management Styles Explained in 5 Minutes: Each one of the five conflict styles has its own advantages and drawbacks. No one conflict style is better than the other. Learn about all five styles in this short article.

Workplace Conflict Statistics: How We Approach Conflict at Work: We took the answers from over 700 respondents from 36 countries to uncover how professionals resolve conflict at work.

[Infographic] Workplace Conflict Questions, Answered: Why does conflict at work happen? Is it preventable? Are there any benefits? We've answered the most frequently asked questions about workplace conflict in this infographic. 

The Do's and Dont's of Conflict at Work: How do you engage in conflict at work and difficult conversations that are productive? Be sure to follow this list of universally applicable do's and don'ts. 

The Guide to Overcoming Bad Communication: Is the way you are communicating helping or hindering your ability to effectively resolve conflicts? Find out and learn what you can do to correct it in this guide. 

How To Stand Up For Yourself at Work: In certain conflicts, you may come to the point where you feel it's necessary to stand up for yourself. If so, we suggest following the tips outlined in this blog to ensure you have the desired effect.

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