Michelle Bennett

101 One-On-One Meeting Questions for Bosses and Employees

6 min read

101 One-On-One Meeting Questions for Bosses and Employees

Whether you’re an employee attending a one-on-one meeting or a leader hosting a one-on-one meeting, everyone wants to make that time spent as...

Words to Describe Work Relationships

2 min read

175+ Words to Describe Work Relationships

Think of the last time you talked about your work relationships with someone. What words did you use to describe those relationships? Did you use...

A Manager’s Perspective on the Performance Management Cycle

4 min read

A Manager’s Perspective on the Performance Management Cycle

The term performance management may bring a shiver down your spine, as it did mine when I first started in management. Many managers, myself...

How to Create a Winning Team Charter (+ Template)

4 min read

How to Create a Winning Team Charter (+ Template)

Having a great team is essential for achieving outstanding results. While individual talent and expertise play a crucial role, harnessing the...

The 4 Types of Working Relationships

3 min read

The 4 Types of Working Relationships

From the supervisor who has become your mentor to your teammate whose camaraderie lightens the burdens of the daily grind or the grumpy colleague...


4 min read

A Quick Guide to Understanding Self-Leadership

Since 500 BC, there has been an appreciation for the importance and power of self-leadership. In fact, the philosopher Lao-Tzu famously said,...

Importance of Good Professional Relationships at Work

4 min read

The Importance of Good Professional Relationships at Work

13 years and two months. That’s the amount of time the average person spends at work in their lifetime, according to HuffPost. Add a year and two...

Good Managers Meeting Together

5 min read

Are You a Good People Manager?

You likely had one of two goals when you stepped into people management. You either wanted to be a better people manager than your worst boss or even...

7 Ways To Improve a Cross-Functional Team

4 min read

7 Ways To Improve a Cross-Functional Team

The most tumultuous team I’ve ever been a member of was a cross-functional team. The team was made up of highly-educated, intelligent individuals who...

5 Whys Root Cause Analysis Exercise (+Template)

3 min read

5 Whys Root Cause Analysis Exercise (+Template)

Mistakes, challenges, and problems will always arise at work. However, what sets individuals, teams, departments, and organizations apart is how they...

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